How to behave


The Miramare Marine Protected Area is comprised of both a fully protected area and a buffer zone, which was established in the 1990s. This area is marked by 16 yellow buoys, in order to reduce the pressures of fishing, by distances it from the boundaries of the core area.


There is a system of total protection in place over the 30 hectares that extend along the strip of sea in front of Miramare Park, from the port of Grignano to the Sticco private bathing beach, and up to 200 metres from the coast line (Zone A). This means that no activities are permitted within this area, with the exception of guided tours and the educational, research and monitoring activities conducted by the managing body.


The complete protection zone is also surrounded by a strip of sea which is partially protected, called “Buffer” (Zone B); this was established by ordinance of the Port Authority of Trieste n.76/95 and 28/98. This second area, of 90 hectares, constitutes a further protected belt of 400 metres in width, where only the prohibition of fishing in any form is in force, with the excep- tion of recreational shore fishing.


Translation by Vicki Ann Holder