

The Miramare Marine Protected Area was established in 1986 by a decree from the Ministry of the Environment, which entrusted its management to the Italian WWF ONLUS. As per the implementation and organization Regulations of the MPA Miramare (AMP in Italian), the management body is supported by a number of entities that complete the governance system of the state reserve, and which assist in carrying out its functions, as described below.


The head of the Marine Protected Area takes care of the preparation of the annual management programme of the MPA, and of the budget and final balance. It takes care of the implementation of the Ministry’s directives, connections with the other governance bodies of the Reserve and promotes the activation of projects for the procurement of public and private financial resources.


The Reserve commission supports the delegated organization in the management of the re- serve. It makes proposals and suggestions for anything that concerns the functioning of the re- serve itself. According to the provisions of Article 28, third paragraph, of Law No. 979 of the 31st of December 1982, and subsequent amendments, the commission was appointed by the Ministry of the Environment and the protection of the territory and the sea and comprises:

1. a representative designated by the Ministry of the Environment, with the function of president;

2. an expert designated by the Region in the area involved, with the function of vice president;

3. an expert designated by agreement among the coastal municipalities in the area involved;

4. an expert of the Ministry of the Environment;

5. a representative of the Port Authority appointed by the marine environmental de- partment at the Ministry of the environment;

6. an expert designated by the Central Institute for Scientific and Technological Re- search Applied to the Sea (ICRAM);

7. an expert designated by the most representative naturalistic associations recog- nized by the Ministry of the Environment.

Technical-scientific committee

The Technical- scientific committee meets to evaluate the programme of scientific activities. It is appointed by the managing body and comprises:

1. the person responsible for the protected marine area, who is the Chair;

2. a qualified expert designated by the management;

3. a researcher appointed by the Department of Biological Oceanography of the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics of Trieste;

4. a qualified expert designated by the Ministry of the Environment.

Review Board

It exercises control over the economic and financial management of the marine protected area. It is appointed by the Ministry of the Environment and consists of:

1. a member appointed by the Ministry of the Treasury, Economics and Finance, with the function of chair of the board; 

2. two members appointed by the Ministry of the Environment. 

management committee

1. two representatives of WWF Italy; 

2. two representatives of the WWF Oasis; 

3. the director of the MPA Miramare. 


Translation by Vicki Ann Holder